Your ears work hard every day. They deserve to be protected.
Loud music, sporting events, and jobs that expose you to high decibel noise can be harmful to your hearing.
Before your hearing has been compromised, come in for a Consultation and learn more about the latest strategies and products like, Swim plugs ,Sky diving molds, Noise plugs, ER Musicians plugs, and many more. All Custom made to protect your Hearing and Ears from harmful damage.
Mini Filtered Earplug Also known as a Musician or Industrial earplugs, these custom fit earplugs attenuate across all frequencies rather than just low- and mid-range frequencies, making music sound much clearer and natural. Musician and Industrial earplugs are available with multiple filter options. Sleeping Earplug Custom earplugs made of soft material that fit comfortably in the ear to reduce ambient noise while sleeping. Solid Earplug Custom-fit earplugs that provide outstanding noise protection for a variety of recreational and occupational environments. High-Frequency Noise Filter Also known as Hocks Noise Breakers, these custom earplugs contain a patented acoustical chamber and filter to attenuate sound to appropriate levels. Floatable Swim Plug Custom-fit earplugs that seal out water. Floatable if dropped in the water.
Personal Audio
Custom Earbud Molds
Custom made earmolds to fit most standard-sized earbuds, earbud style monitors and most popular Bluetooth® devices.
Fitting Reference Guide
The following chart provides an at-a-glance starting point for selecting the right activity or use for each product. Additional earplug solutions are available, visit our professional websites for a complete listing.
Personal Audio
Custom Earbud Molds
Custom made earmolds to fit most standard-sized earbuds, earbud style monitors and most popular Bluetooth® devices.